Car Finance Approval Tips: Your Key to Driving Away in Style

September 13th, 2024
Car Finance Approval Tips: Your Key to Driving Away in Style

Do you want a new car but feel unsure about car finance approval? Don’t worry! There are many ways to increase your chances for approval, no matter if you have excellent credit scores or bad credit. Here are some top tips to help you through the car finance application process. Soon, you'll be driving your dream car in no time.

Give Your Credit Score a Polish

Your credit rating is similar to a report card for your money. Lenders look at it to see if you are a good choice for car finance. A higher credit score can give you access to better loan options and more flexible terms. It’s important to work on improving your credit score. Here’s how to make it shine:

Check Your Credit File

First, get your credit report from credit agencies like Experian or Equifax. You can get a free copy each year, so use this opportunity. Check it carefully for any mistakes. If you see any errors, such as accounts you don’t know or late payments when you were on time, fix these right away. Don’t hesitate to challenge errors. You have the right to do this, and it can greatly affect your creditworthiness.

Pay Your Monthly Instalments on Time

Late repayments are not good. They can damage your credit file for years. You should set up direct debits to avoid missing any payments. This is a simple way to keep your credit rating healthy. If you tend to forget, you can set reminders on your phone or put notes on your fridge. Just find what works for you and always pay those bills on time, every time.

Trim Down Your Debts

Before you begin the car finance application process, you should try to pay off some existing debts. Doing this shows finance companies that you can manage money well and are ready for more monthly instalments. Focus on high-interest debts first, like credit cards. Even making small extra payments can really help over time. If you find it hard to manage, think about speaking with a credit union or a debt advisor. They can give you free help on managing your debts.

Keep Your Credit Card Balances Low

Maxing out your credit cards is a sign that finance providers notice. It makes them feel like you depend a lot on credit. You should try to keep your balances under 30% of your credit limits. This is a simple way to appear more responsible with your money. If possible, pay more than the minimum each month. This will help you spend less money on interest over time and show lenders you can manage your finances well.

Get on the Electoral Roll

This is an easy one. Just register to vote. It shows your address history and can improve your credit score. Even if voting doesn’t interest you, it is still worth it just for the credit score benefits. It only takes a few minutes online, so there’s really no reason not to do it.

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Save Up for a Bigger Deposit

Putting down a larger deposit is a clear sign to finance companies that you mean business. It shows that you can take care of your money. Also, it has some nice benefits:

  • Lower monthly payments: The more you pay upfront, the less you need to borrow. This means your repayments will be smaller, which is easier for your budget.
  • Shorter finance agreements: A larger deposit can help you pay off your car faster. Less time paying interest means more money in your pocket overall.
  • Better loan options: Lenders may offer a lower amount of interest if you borrow less. It's their way of thanking you for being financially smart.

Aim to save at least 10-20% of the car's value for your down payment. It may take time, but it will feel great when you drive your new car. Here are some tips to help you save:

  • Open a separate savings account for your car deposit.
  • Reduce your spending on things that are not essential. Do you really need that daily latte from the coffee shop?
  • Sell items you no longer need. What is junk to one person could be a treasure to another.

Remember: Every little bit can make a difference. Having an extra £500 or £1000 in your deposit can help with your monthly instalments.

Save Up for a Bigger Deposit

Get Your Paperwork in Order

Finance providers really appreciate it when you have everything ready. Having all your documents in order shows that you are organised and serious about your finance application. Here’s what you need:

  • To prove your income (like recent payslips or bank statements), you usually need to show at least three months’ worth. If you are self-employed, you may need to provide tax returns or accounts.
  • For proof of identity, use a driving license or passport. Make sure it is valid and not expired. This helps lenders confirm your full name and address history.
  • For proof of address, show recent utility bills or council tax statements. These should be dated within the last three months.
  • Provide bank statements for the last few months. These statements show your income and spending. This helps finance companies understand your financial situation and calculate affordability.

Having these ready will make the car finance application process easy and quick. It's also smart to:

  • Make copies of everything, just in case.
  • Check that all your personal details match in different documents.
  • If you moved recently, ensure your address is updated in all places.

Being ready shows finance providers that you are serious about your application. This can help speed up the process and get you into your new car faster.

Know What Finance Providers Are Looking For

Understanding what finance companies need can help you decide if you are ready to apply. Here are the things they usually look for:

Stable Income

Finance providers want to see that you have a steady cash flow. If you just started a new job, they may want proof that you have been there for at least 6 months to a year. This does not mean you cannot get financing if you're new to a job. It might just be a bit harder. If you find yourself in this situation, you might need to:

  • Give more proof of job safety.
  • Show proof of past jobs in a similar position.
  • Think about getting a guarantor or co-signer.

Solid Employment Status

A steady work history is great for a finance company. It indicates that you are stable and reliable. If you are self-employed, you may need to provide extra proof of income, such as tax returns or business accounts. Don't feel worried if you have switched jobs a few times. Just be ready to explain any gaps or frequent changes in your employment status.

Healthy Debt-to-Income Ratio

This is how much of your monthly money goes to paying off debts. Try to keep it under 40% to look good to finance providers. Here’s how to calculate your ratio:

  1. Add all your monthly debt payments together.
  2. Divide that total by your gross monthly income.
  3. Multiply the result by 100 to find the percentage.

If your debt ratio is high, you should think about paying off some debts. Do this before you begin the car finance application process.

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Consider Getting a Guarantor or Joint Applicant

If you have a bad credit score or a poor credit history, you should consider getting a guarantor. You could also think about applying jointly with someone.

A guarantor is like a helpful friend for your money. They agree to help pay back loans if you can’t. This helps finance providers feel more secure when lending to borrowers who have poor credit. A good guarantor is:

  • A person who has a good credit history
  • Someone who is financially stable and earns a good income
  • A person willing to take on the responsibility, usually a parent or a close family member

A joint application looks at the incomes and credit scores of both people. If one person has excellent credit scores, it can help improve your chances of getting approved. A joint application might be a good choice if:

  • You are applying with a partner or spouse.
  • You are living with someone and sharing costs.

Just remember that these options come with important responsibilities. Make sure everyone knows what they are agreeing to. Have a straightforward talk about what will happen if repayments can't be made. It is better to be clear from the beginning than to harm relationships later.

Choose a Car That Fits Your Budget

The car you select can greatly influence your chances of getting a loan. Finance companies may feel uneasy about approving a high loan amount for costly cars. This is especially true if you do not have a strong credit rating.

Pick a car that works for your budget and income. A cheaper car means you will borrow less money. This makes it easier to get approved for a loan. A lower price also keeps your monthly instalments smaller. Here are some tips:

  • Check the costs of running the car, not just how much you pay to buy it.
  • Think about how fuel-efficient the car is. It can help you save money over time.
  • See how much insurance will cost before deciding. Some cars cost a lot more to insure than others.
  • Remember to consider road tax and MOT costs too.

You should remember that getting approved for a car is not the only thing to think about. It is also important to make sure you can afford the car in the long run. Be honest about what you can pay. This way, you will enjoy your new car more.

Choose a Car That Fits Your Budget

Don't Go Wild with Applications

When you apply for finance, the lender will do a hard credit check on your credit file. If you have too many of these checks in a short time, it can lower your credit score. This can also make you seem desperate to finance providers.

Instead of sending applications to many finance companies at the same time, try using an online comparison tool or a credit broker. These tools allow you to view offers from several finance providers without hurting your credit score. It's a smart way to compare options with no risks. Here is how to use them properly:

  • Look for tools called 'soft search' or 'eligibility checker'
  • Compare APR rates instead of just looking at monthly instalments
  • Check the total cost of the finance agreement, not only the main numbers
  • Read the terms and conditions closely

Once you find a good deal, you can move forward with a full finance application. This way, you have a better chance of getting finance you will actually receive. This is good for your credit rating in the long run.

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FAQs about Car Finance Approval

What credit score do I need for car finance in the UK?

A credit score of 600 or more is usually good for car finance. If you have a bad credit score, don’t worry. Some finance providers have options for people with poor credit history. Your credit rating is not the only thing they consider. They also look at your income, employment status, and overall financial situation.

Can I get car finance if I have poor credit?

Yes, you can. However, you may face higher interest rates and tougher terms. If possible, work on improving your credit score before applying. If you can't do that, think about:

  • Making a bigger deposit
  • Finding a guarantor
  • Searching for finance providers that help borrowers with poor credit

What documents do I need for car finance approval?

You will need several documents. Usually, this includes proof of income, proof of identity, and proof of address. You may also need your bank statements for the last few months. If you are self-employed, you might have to show extra documents like tax returns or your business accounts. It is best to have more papers than too few. So, collect everything you feel could be important.

Can I use a guarantor for car finance?

A guarantor can really help if your credit rating or income isn't good enough by itself. It's important to ensure your guarantor knows what their role is. They must be ready and able to make repayments if you are unable to.

How much deposit do I need for car finance?

Aim to save 10-20% of the car's price as a deposit. A larger deposit can help you get approved and reduce your monthly instalments. Some loan agreements may allow smaller deposits, but keep in mind that putting down more money now can help you in the future.

What's the difference between HP and PCP financing?

Hire Purchase (HP) and Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) are popular ways to get car finance in the UK. With HP, you pay off the full price of the car in parts over time. Once you finish paying, the car is yours. On the other hand, PCP means you have smaller monthly payments. However, there is a big optional final payment if you want to keep the car at the end of the term. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Talk with your dealership or finance provider to find out which one is best for you.

( Note: This article is only for information and is not financial advice. Always talk to a qualified financial advisor before making any financial choices. Our editorial policy makes sure we give correct and current information to the best of our knowledge.)

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