
The latest energy, broadband, insurance news, price rises and cost savings

Business Energy – Understanding the letter of authority or LOA You may have seen the term ‘LOA’ or ‘letter of authority’ if you have been researching switching business energy suppliers. It sounds complicated, but a LOA is actually just a document which allows, or authorises, someone else to act on your behalf. Letters of authority […]

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What is the effect of global warming on my business energy bills? Global warming isn’t something that can be ignored any longer. Whether we like it or not, governments around the world are taking steps to limit harmful emissions that are contributing to global warming. And this has a knock-on effect on business energy costs. […]

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Lockdown is stretching our finances like never before. But there are ways you can save during the coronavirus crisis and free up some extra cash in these uncertain times. If you’re looking for a cash boost during the Covid-19 pandemic then these tips can help you claw back money on services you can’t use and […]

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Even if you don’t work in or around the telecoms industry, you will probably have heard the term VoIP mentioned over the last few years. Many of us are probably using this technology already without realising. So what exactly is VoIP? How does it work? This guide should tell you all you need to know. […]

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There are a lot of articles floating around the internet with titles such as ‘how to have the perfect relationship’ and we have to wonder if these have they been written by a character from a film where everything is perfect and the are no argument. Almost every couple will eventually come across topics or […]

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It would appear that many of us are paying too much for our energy and it comes down to the simple fact that we don’t understand the market. “There are millions of customers paying too much for their energy bills – but they don’t have to,” according to Roger Witcomb, chairman of the energy market […]

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