E.On Energy Plan

March 10th, 2016
E.On Energy Plan

Eon Energy Plan is the standard variable tariff from Eon. It’s the default tariff for those not on an agreed fixed plan. Those households that have a matured fixed Eon tariffs will also roll over on to the standard variable tariff/Eon Energy Plan unless they proactively switch to one of the agreed fixed tariffs.

Eon Energy Plans are variable and households on such tariffs can be vulnerable to price rises. As it is a default tariff, it’s the most common tariff amongst households that use Eon as their energy provider for gas and electricity.

Eon reward points are available too for the standard variable tariff customers which can be exchanged for vouchers or Tesco Clubcard points which could work out to be worth £60 per year.

As it is the default tariff, the Eon Energy Plan is available on all meter types including credit meters, smart meters, prepayment meters and economy 10 meters.

If you as a household are on an Eon Energy Plan tariff then consider how much money you could save by doing a quick 5 minute energy comparison using our energy tool checker.

In our experience the average household saves between 20-30% off their bills by switching to another fixed tariff?

Main features of Eon Energy Plan

Gas price reduced

  • From the 1st of February Eon will reduce standard gas prices by 5.1%.

£10 discount for paperless billing (£5 Electricity, £5 Gas)

  • Eon customers will receive a further £10 per year discount for opting for online line billing. To receive paperless bills customers must manage their accounts online. Those that close their online accounts will be reverted to a paper bill and lose the £10 discount.

Dedicated UK based Customer Service Helpline

  • Eon’s customer service team are based in the UK and open Monday – Friday from 8am – 8pm and on Saturday 8am – 6pm.

No fixed prices

  • Households of the Eon Energy Plan can see their prices fall and rise depending on market conditions.

No cancellation fees

  • This tariff allows households to leave Eon at any point, without a penalty.

£20 dual fuel discount

  • Eon give £20 discount for having both fuels with Eon. The discount is accrued daily.

Notification of new tariffs

Eon will notify customers that manage their accounts online of new tariffs which they can switch to if they are cheaper.

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