Home Insurance News

Citizens Advice blames UK home insurers for overcharging loyal customers

A study by charity network Citizens Advice suggests that UK’s home insurance providers are overcharging their loyal customers. The research done by the service suggested that around 13 million people are overcharged and the elderly are the worst hit. According to the research, home insurance companies charge 70% less to lure new customers to buy […]

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Citizens Advice ranks UK’s worst and best energy suppliers

UK energy suppliers hold an important position for every household. As they are the reason behind inflating or deflating household budgets, the gas and electricity suppliers are always under scrutiny. Even the government keeps an eye on the UK energy suppliers as they form the basis of a household budget. There are many energy price […]

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This piece of news is highly important for people who are fond of long holidays. Many of the home insurance providers are adding an ‘unoccupancy clause’ that will limit people from making claims for any damage that happened to their home or contents after a span of 30 days. This means, if you are out […]

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If you are planning to buy home insurance, then it is wise to know a little bit about it in advance. A fair idea about the pros and cons before investing in home insurance would help in proper decision making. It also prepares you to take a plunge into the investment for insuring your home. […]

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