Know Your Energy Supplier: White Rose Energy

September 18th, 2020
Know Your Energy Supplier: White Rose Energy

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White Rose Energy partner with Robin Hood Energy to supply customers in Yorkshire. Both are “100% green” not-for-profit companies who say they are trying to reduce bills for the most vulnerable. How well do they fulfil this objective and how do White Rose Energy tariffs compare?

Who are White Rose Energy?

White Rose Energy is an initiative launched by Leeds City Council in cooperation with Bradford and Calderdale councils. At the moment, they only accept customers from the Yorkshire region. Their partner Robin Hood Energy were set up by Nottingham City Council and have customers throughout the UK.

White Rose Energy say they are special because they are run by a local authority “with the purpose of creating an energy provider that customers can trust”.

White Rose Energy customer service rating

New Rating Old Rating
2-star reviews 2-star reviews

Is White Rose Energy ethical?

Protecting vulnerable customers from punitive energy charges is a great objective. White Rose customer service standards are high and they make it easy for customers to seek help. Delivering lower tariffs is harder – their pay-as-you-go tariffs are still charged extra.

White Rose also promise never to offer “loss-leaders and fixed term offers” that become expensive when the offer period ends. When you compare energy tariff bear this in mind.

White Rose energy tariffs and prices

Tariff Name Tariff type Cancellation fee Annual Avg cost  
White Rose Energy – White Rose Energy Summer Holiday Tariff V2 Fixed Tariff £60.00 £900.26 Compare now
White Rose Energy – Perennial Fixed Tariff v2 Fixed Tariff £60.00 £1041.46 Compare now
White rose Energy – Rosie Fixed Tariff Fixed Tariff £60.00 £1060.37 Compare now
White Rose Energy – Let’s be Frank V4 Fixed Tariff £60.00 £1010.90 Compare now

White Rose Energy fuel mix and UK average fuel mix

White Rose Energy historical Fuel Mix

Energy Source 2019 2018 2017
Coal 0.60% 11.80% 13.50%
Gas 3.80% 41.40% 41.10%
Nuclear 1.10% 62.60% 11.30%
Renewable 94.30% 19.00% 29.40%
Other 0.20% 2.60% 4.40%
CO2 Emission 20 g/kWh 359 g/kWh 298 g/kWh
Nuclear Waste 0.00008 g/kWh 0.00133 g/kWh 0.00079 g/kWh

Green Energy

White Rose and Robin Hood, both say their energy sources are 100% renewable. Like the majority of “green” energy suppliers they have received criticism for this. Electricity is supplied over a grid so you cannot choose which electricity comes from where. Instead, “green” suppliers buy REGO certificates (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin) which claim to match the power they supply with a renewable source somewhere.

Whether misleading or not, REGO certificates allow suppliers to claim an exemption from OFGEM price caps on standard variable tariffs. In other words, green energy can be more expensive. This seems at odds with the declared intent to supply the cheapest possible fuel.

How do White Rose tariffs compare?

The White Rose website lists 27 current tariffs and 76 legacy tariffs. Publishing them all is praiseworthy but it will not help you determine whether a dual fuel energy and gas and electricity supply will be cheaper. Overall, White Rose prices are in line with other competitors but not the cheapest. Nevertheless, White Rose is a great choice for pay-as-you-go customers.

Customer service

White Rose make it much easier to get in touch compared to other suppliers. Telephone numbers and postal address are prominent on their website, along with an email address and contact form. White Rose also support every possible payment method including online, by phone, at a post office, direct debit or even direct from benefit payments.

How easy is switching?

Robin Hood Energy has had problems switching customers with smart meters. Their website says you may have to take manual meter readings. However, White Rose do not report this issue and say you can easily switch to a pay-as-you-go smart meter. When you switch it is always easy using the Free Price Compare website.

Get in touch with White Rose Energy

Telephone number: 0800 022 3553

Email: [email protected]

Write a letter: White Rose Energy, PO Box 10461, Nottingham, NG1 9JS

Energy Ombudsman

Contact number: 0330 440 1624


Write a letter: 3300 Daresbury Park, Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4HS

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