Power Cut Compensation & Consumer Rights in the UK

February 4th, 2025
Power Cut Compensation & Consumer Rights in the UK

A power cut can cause a lot of issues. It can affect your home, your work, or even important medical equipment. Some outages are fixed fast, but others might take hours or days. If your power stays off for a long time, you could get compensation for it. This is thanks to Ofgem’s guaranteed standards that protect you as a consumer.

The energy networks, including electricity distribution companies and distribution network operators (DNOs), must follow strict service standards. These standards help ensure you receive a reliable electricity supply. If they fail to restore your power within the set hour period, you could receive a compensation payment.

What to Do During a Power Cut

Step 1: Check If the Power Cut Is in Your Home

Before assuming there is a bigger problem with the electricity network, look into these common causes:

  • Fuse Box: Check if any fuses have tripped. Look to see if there is a problem with your home’s wiring.
  • Prepayment Meter: If your smart meter or prepayment meter is blank or shows an error, you may have run out of credit. A faulty meter might also be the problem.
  • Neighbouring Homes: If other homes around you are also having issues, it is likely a network operator fault and not a problem with your home.
  • Landline Phones & Wi-Fi: If both your landline phones and the internet are down, there is probably a power outage affecting more homes than just yours.

Step 2: Contact Your Local Distribution Network Operator (DNO)

Your local distribution network operator (DNO) is in charge of fixing power lines and getting your electricity back on. This is not the same as your energy supplier. The energy supplier only bills you for the electricity you use.

📞 Call 105 – This free helpline will connect you to your local DNO.

📞 For gas supply issues, call the National Gas Emergency Helpline at 0800 111 999.

To find your DNO’s helpline number, visit the Energy Networks Association website.

Step 3: Register for the Priority Services Register

Consumers with medical needs, disabilities, or young children can sign up for the Priority Services Register. This register offers additional support during power outages. When you join with your energy supplier, you will:

  • Get quick updates about when power will be back.
  • Check out other energy supply choices.
  • Get support checks and help in emergencies if you need it.

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Consumer Rights: Can You Claim Compensation for a Power Cut?

Under Ofgem’s guaranteed standards, you can get paid if your electricity supply is turned off for a long time. You may also receive compensation if your distribution network operator does not meet the necessary service standards.

You are entitled to compensation if:

✅ The power outage was unplanned, and you were not given at least two days' notice.

✅ The amount of time without power exceeds the compensation thresholds set by Ofgem.

✅ The outage was caused by a single fault on the electricity network.

✅ You experienced multiple unplanned power cuts within a year.

You cannot claim compensation if:

❌ The power cut was due to an internal fault in your home, such as faulty wiring or a faulty energy meter.

❌ Your power was disconnected because you didn’t pay your energy bill.

❌ The power cut was due to a planned power cut, and you were informed at least two days in advance.

❌ The National Grid Electricity Distribution had to disconnect power for emergency safety reasons.

How Much Compensation Can You Get for a Power Cut?

The amount of compensation you receive will depend on how many properties were affected and how long the power outage lasted.

Compensation for Power Cuts in Normal Weather Conditions

Homes Affected Time Without Power Compensation Payment
Fewer than 5,000 homes More than 12 hours £95 for homes / £180 for businesses
Each additional 12-hour period £40 extra Maximum compensation: £360
More than 5,000 homes More than 24 hours £95 for homes / £180 for businesses
Each additional 12-hour period £40 extra Maximum compensation: £360

📌 Compensation claims must be made within three months of the power being restored.

Compensation for Power Cuts in Severe Weather Conditions

When severe weather happens, distribution network operators (DNOs) often need extra time to fix the electricity supply. This is due to damage to power lines, overhead cables, and other equipment. The Met Office has developed storm categories. These categories help set service standards for how fast they can restore power.

Storm Category 1 (Moderate Damage to the Electricity Network)

  • If power is off for 24 hours → you can get £85.
  • For each additional 6 hours without power → you will receive another £40.
  • The total amount you can get → is up to £2,000.

Storm Category 2 (Severe Damage to the Electricity Network)

  • If you have no power for 48 hours → You can claim £85 in compensation.
  • For every extra 6 hours → You can receive an extra £40.
  • The highest compensation → You can claim up to £2,000.

These storm categories are different from the Met Office weather alerts.

Gas Supply Interruptions & Consumer Rights

If there is an issue with the network operator that stops your gas supply, you can get compensation payments.

  • If you get less than 7 days’ notice → £50 for homes / £120 for businesses.
  • If your gas supply is off for 24 hours or more → £70 for homes / £120 for businesses.
  • For each extra 24-hour period → £70 more.

If you are on the Priority Services Register, your network operator must provide you with other options to keep your home warm.

How to Claim Power Cut Compensation?

  • For electricity power cuts, contact your local DNO (not your energy supplier).
  • For gas supply issues, contact your gas network operator.

Find your DNO’s contact details on the Energy Networks Association website.

Claim Power Cut Compensation

When Will You Receive Power Cut Compensation?

✔️ Compensation payments usually occur automatically. They often show up in your account within 10 working days.

✔️ If you don't understand, contact your DNO or share the issue with the Energy Ombudsman.

What to Do If You Experience Multiple Power Cuts?

If you have four or more power cuts in a year, and they last for at least three hours each, you can receive an extra £95.

📅 The compensation year runs from 1st April to 31st March.

Planned Power Cuts – Know Your Rights

Your local distribution network operator (DNO) has to inform you at least two days before a planned power cut.

If they fail to do so, you can claim:

  • £30 for households.
  • £70 for businesses.

Consumer Protections & Your Rights

  • Your energy supplier has to pay you money if you meet the rules.
  • If you feel it's needed, you can take your problems to the Energy Ombudsman.
  • Your network operator must give you an online webchat and a helpline number to help you.

For further information, visit the Energy Networks Association website or contact your helpline number listed in this guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I claim compensation for a power cut in Northern Ireland?

Yes, the amount of compensation might differ from what is in mainland UK.

2. What if my business is affected by a power cut?

Businesses with a non-domestic energy contract can receive up to £180 for their first outage. After that, they will get £40 for every additional 12-hour period.

3. Can I claim compensation if I have a faulty energy meter?

You cannot change it yourself. But you can ask your energy supplier for a new meter.

4. What if I lose power multiple times?

If you have four or more power cuts in a year, and each lasts three hours or longer, you can receive an extra £95.

📅 The year runs from 1st April to 31st March.

5. What if I’m not happy with my power cut compensation?

If your claim is not accepted fairly, you can take it to the Energy Ombudsman.

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