150 Dead Simple Ways to Cut Your Business Energy Costs

April 30th, 2024
150 Dead Simple Ways to Cut Your Business Energy Costs

Fed up with sky-high business energy bills? Wish you could keep more of your hard-earned cash? We get it, and you're definitely not alone!

We've put together a list of 150 easy ways to slash your business gas and electricity costs. No need for a business degree – just simple, effective tips that any UK business owner can put into action.

UK Business Energy Prices: The Brutal Truth

Let's get real for a sec. In 2023, the average small UK business spent a whopping:

  • £1,778 on electricity
  • £856 on gas

Ouch! That's a big chunk of change. And with prices climbing 9% every single year, it's high time we all took action and showed those energy bills who's boss.

UK Business Energy Prices: The Brutal Truth

Average Business Electricity and Gas Standing Charges and Unit Prices (2024)

Average Business Electricity and Gas Standing Charges and Unit Prices

Energy supplier prices correct as of 11/04/2024

150 Effortless Strategies to Crush Your Business Energy Costs

Bright Ideas for Lighting

  1. Switch to LED bulbs – they use 90% less energy and last 25 times longer than old-school bulbs. It's a no-brainer!
  2. Get smart with sensors – when nobody's around, the lights go out.
  3. Keep those windows squeaky clean – let that natural light flood in and brighten up your workspace.
  4. Use task lighting – focus the light where you need it most and save energy everywhere else.
  5. Make it a habit – when you leave a room, flip that switch and turn off the lights. It's not rocket science!
  6. Dim it down – adjust your lighting to suit your needs and watch your energy bills shrink.
  7. Paint it light and bright – pale walls and ceilings bounce light around the room, so you can use less of it. Bonus: it looks fab too!
  8. Bust that dust – keep your light fixtures sparkling clean, and they'll shine brighter with less energy.
  9. Bring the outdoors in – skylights and light tubes are a brilliant way to harness the sun's power and light up your space naturally.
  10. Put your outdoor lights on a timer – they'll turn on and off automatically, so you're not wasting energy when the sun's out.
  11. Embrace the power of reflection – mirrors and shiny surfaces can make a room feel brighter without using extra energy.
  12. Lighten up your curtains – sheer or light-coloured fabrics let in more natural light than heavy, dark drapes.
  13. Choose lighter furniture – pale wood and upholstery reflect more light, so you can keep things bright with less energy.
  14. Don't forget the details – clean light switches and outlet covers make a room feel brighter and more polished.
  15. Look down – light-coloured flooring bounces light around better than dark colours, so consider this when you're due for an upgrade.

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Keep Your Cool (or Stay Toasty) with Smart Heating and Cooling

  1. Find your sweet spot – in the UK, shoot for around 19°C in winter and 24°C in summer. Your energy bills (and your team) will thank you!
  2. Upgrade to a smart thermostat – it'll learn your schedule and adjust the temperature automatically, so you're not wasting energy when nobody's around.
  3. Give your HVAC some TLC – regular maintenance will keep it running like a dream and save you money in the long run.
  4. Embrace the power of fans – they can make a room feel cooler without cranking up the AC.
  5. Block out the sun – close your blinds or curtains during the hottest parts of the day to keep the heat out and give your AC a break.
  6. Seal those sneaky leaks – draughty windows and doors let all your expensive heated (or cooled) air escape, so make sure they're sealed up tight.
  7. Wrap it up – insulating your hot water pipes can help prevent heat loss and save you some serious cash.
  8. Recycle that heat – a heat recovery ventilation system can capture the warmth from stale air before it's vented outside and use it to heat up fresh air coming in. Genius!
  9. Think small – if you only need to heat or cool a small space, use a portable unit instead of adjusting the temperature for the whole building.
  10. Dress for the weather – encourage your team to dress comfortably so they're not relying on the thermostat to keep them cosy.
  11. Harness the power of nature – strategically placed trees and shrubs can provide shade and cool the air around your building, easing the load on your AC.
  12. Let it flow – keep your vents clear of obstacles to ensure optimal airflow and efficiency.
  13. Change is good – swap out your air filters regularly to help your HVAC system run smoothly and save you money.
  14. Zone out – if you have a big space, consider using a zoning system to heat or cool only the areas that are in use.
  15. Keep it clean – dust and debris can make your HVAC system work harder than it needs to, so keep everything spick and span.

Optimise Your Office Equipment for Maximum Energy Savings

  1. Look for the label – when shopping for new office equipment, choose products with the Energy Star label for top-notch efficiency.
  2. Power down – enable energy-saving modes on your computers, printers, and other devices, so they're not using power when not in use.
  3. Pull the plug – even when switched off, many devices still sip power, so unplug them completely or use a power strip to cut off the supply.
  4. Print smarter – set your default printer settings to double-sided to cut down on paper waste and energy use.
  5. Go mobile – laptops use way less energy than desktop computers, so consider making the switch.
  6. Consolidate – using a multi-function device that combines printing, scanning, and copying can save energy and space compared to having separate machines.
  7. Keep it clean – regularly cleaning and maintaining your office equipment can help it run more efficiently and last longer.
  8. Embrace the draught – when printing internal documents, switch to draught mode to use less ink and energy.
  9. Think before you print – do you really need a physical copy, or can you make do with a digital version?
  10. Get smart with your power strips – choose models that can automatically cut power to devices that are not in use.
  11. Adjust your settings – lowering the brightness on your computer monitors can significantly reduce their energy consumption.
  12. Go dark – using a dark background on your computer screen can save energy, especially if you have an OLED display.
  13. Sleep mode is your friend – setting your computers to go into sleep mode after a period of inactivity can save a lot of energy over time.
  14. Give them space – ensuring your devices have proper ventilation can help them run cooler and more efficiently.
  15. Shut it down – at the end of the day, make sure to completely shut down your devices to avoid wasting energy overnight.

Optimise Your Office Equipment for Maximum Energy Savings

Greener Kitchen and Breakroom Habits

  1. Upgrade your appliances – look for Energy Star rated fridges, microwaves, and other kitchen appliances to maximise efficiency.
  2. BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) – encourage your staff to use reusable cups and dishes instead of disposable ones.
  3. Fill it up – only run your dishwasher when it's full to save water and energy.
  4. Boil what you need – using an instant hot water dispenser can save energy compared to boiling a full kettle every time.
  5. Make it easy – provide clearly labelled recycling bins to encourage your staff to recycle as much as possible.
  6. Reheat smartly – using a toaster oven or microwave to reheat food uses less energy than a full-sized oven.
  7. Keep the cold in – minimise the amount of time your fridge and freezer doors are open to prevent cold air from escaping.
  8. Defrost regularly – a build-up of ice in your fridge or freezer can make it work harder than necessary, so defrost often.
  9. Use the right tools – boiling water in a kettle is more efficient than using a microwave or hob.
  10. Encourage sustainable eating – promote waste-free lunches and snacks, and consider implementing a composting programme for food waste.
  11. Fix those leaks – a dripping tap can waste a surprising amount of water and energy over time, so fix any leaks pronto.
  12. Go green – encourage your staff to eat more plant-based meals, even if it's just one day a week.
  13. Under pressure – using a pressure cooker can significantly reduce cooking times and energy consumption compared to traditional methods.
  14. Let it cool – allowing hot food to cool down before refrigerating it can help your fridge work more efficiently.
  15. Keep it clean – regularly cleaning your office fridge can help it run more efficiently and prevent food waste.

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Building Energy Efficiency into Your Workspace

  1. Insulate like you mean it – proper insulation in your walls, ceilings, and floors can make a massive difference in your energy consumption.
  2. Seal the gaps – using weatherstripping and caulking to seal gaps around windows and doors can help prevent draughts and improve insulation.
  3. Upgrade your windows – double or triple-glazed windows can significantly reduce heat loss compared to single-pane windows.
  4. Consider a green roof – a living roof can help regulate your building's temperature and reduce cooling costs in the summer.
  5. Create some shade – strategically placed trees, awnings, or external shades can help keep your building cool and reduce the need for air conditioning.
  6. Upgrade your boiler – a high-efficiency condensing boiler can be up to 25% more efficient than a traditional model.
  7. Reflect the heat – installing reflective film on your windows can help keep heat out in the summer and reduce cooling costs.
  8. Stop those draughts – using draught stoppers on your doors can help prevent cold air from coming in and warm air from escaping.
  9. Weatherise your windows – using weatherstripping or window inserts can help reduce draughts and improve insulation.
  10. Cool your roof – painting your roof white or using reflective materials can help keep your building cooler in the summer.
  11. Don't forget the outlets – using insulated outlet covers can help prevent draughts and improve your overall insulation.
  12. Block the chimney – if you have an unused fireplace, consider using a chimney balloon to prevent draughts and heat loss.
  13. Seal your ducts – leaky ductwork can waste a lot of energy, so make sure to seal any gaps or leaks.
  14. Keep it shut – using automatic door closers can help ensure that your doors are never left open unnecessarily.
  15. Revolve your way to savings – revolving doors can help reduce heat loss and improve your building's overall energy efficiency.

Renewable Energy Solutions for Your Business

  1. Go solar – installing solar panels on your building can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your energy bills.
  2. Choose green energy – switching to a green energy provider can help support renewable energy projects and reduce your carbon footprint.
  3. Harness the wind – if your location is suitable, consider installing a small wind turbine to generate your own clean energy.
  4. Light up with the sun – using solar-powered outdoor lighting can help reduce your energy consumption and costs.
  5. Heat your water with the sun – installing a solar water heating system can significantly reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint.
  6. Tap into the earth – a geothermal heating and cooling system can use the consistent temperature of the earth to efficiently regulate your building's temperature.
  7. Support community solar – if installing your own solar panels isn't feasible, consider supporting a community solar project in your area.
  8. Offset your emissions – purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) can help offset your carbon emissions and support the growth of renewable energy.
  9. Consider biomass – if your business produces a lot of organic waste, a biomass boiler could be a cost-effective and eco-friendly heating solution.
  10. Invest in carbon offsets – supporting projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions can help offset your own carbon footprint.
  11. Harness the power of water – if you have a nearby water source, a micro-hydro system could generate clean energy for your business.
  12. Let the sun in – solar tubes and skylights can provide natural light and reduce your need for artificial lighting during the day.
  13. Capture kinetic energy – specialised flooring systems can capture the kinetic energy of footsteps and convert it into electricity.
  14. Use piezoelectric materials – these materials can generate electricity from pressure or vibration, making them ideal for high-traffic areas.
  15. Cool off with solar – a solar-powered air conditioning system can help you keep cool while reducing your energy bills and carbon footprint.

Renewable Energy Solutions for Your Business

Engaging Your Employees in Energy Conservation

  1. Educate your team – provide training and resources to help your employees understand the importance of energy conservation.
  2. Create a green team – encourage employees to form a team focused on identifying and implementing energy-saving initiatives.
  3. Offer incentives – reward employees who suggest or implement successful energy-saving ideas.
  4. Conduct energy audits – regularly assess your energy consumption and share the results with your team to help identify areas for improvement.
  5. Celebrate successes – acknowledge and celebrate energy-saving milestones to keep your team motivated and engaged.
  6. Lead by example – as a manager or business owner, demonstrate your commitment to energy conservation through your own actions.
  7. Share energy-saving tips – provide your employees with practical tips they can use to save energy both at work and at home.
  8. Foster friendly competition – organise contests or challenges to see which team or department can save the most energy.
  9. Make it a policy – incorporate energy conservation into your company's policies and procedures, and include it in employee onboarding and training.
  10. Appoint energy champions – designate specific employees to lead and promote energy-saving initiatives within your organisation.

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Green Your Business Travel and Commuting

  1. Encourage carpooling – set up a company carpool programme to help employees share rides and reduce fuel consumption.
  2. Install EV charging stations – provide charging points for electric vehicles to encourage employees and customers to choose eco-friendly transportation.
  3. Optimise your routes – carefully plan delivery routes and schedules to minimise fuel consumption and emissions.
  4. Choose electric or hybrid – when replacing company vehicles, consider choosing electric or hybrid models to reduce your fleet's carbon footprint.
  5. Promote remote work – offer flexible working arrangements to reduce the need for daily commuting.
  6. Support cycling – provide secure bike storage and shower facilities to encourage employees to cycle to work.
  7. Offer public transit incentives – subsidise or provide incentives for employees who use public transportation for their commute.
  8. Embrace video conferencing – use virtual meeting tools to reduce the need for business travel whenever possible.
  9. Train for efficiency – provide fuel-efficient driving training for employees who use company vehicles.
  10. Maintain your fleet – regular maintenance can help your company vehicles run more efficiently and produce fewer emissions.
  11. Encourage walking – for short trips during the workday, encourage employees to walk instead of drive.
  12. Implement flexible working hours – allowing employees to adjust their schedules can help them avoid peak traffic times and reduce fuel consumption.
  13. Consider a company shuttle – if many of your employees live in the same area, a company shuttle could be a cost-effective and eco-friendly commuting solution.
  14. Provide eco-friendly transportation – offer company bicycles, electric scooters, or other low-emission options for short business trips.
  15. Offset your travel emissions – purchase carbon offsets to counteract the environmental impact of necessary business travel.

Water Conservation Strategies for Your Workplace

  1. Fix leaks promptly – a single leaky toilet can waste hundreds of gallons of water per day, so address any leaks as soon as possible.
  2. Install low-flow fixtures – water-efficient toilets, taps, and showerheads can significantly reduce your water consumption without sacrificing performance.
  3. Encourage reporting – ask your employees to report any leaks, drips, or other water waste they notice to your maintenance team.
  4. Landscape wisely – use drought-tolerant plants and efficient irrigation systems to reduce outdoor water consumption.
  5. Collect rainwater – install a rainwater collection system to capture and reuse rainwater for outdoor cleaning or irrigation.
  6. Water during off-peak hours – if you must water your landscaping, do so in the early morning or evening when evaporation rates are lower.
  7. Upgrade your appliances – choose water-efficient dishwashers, washing machines, and other appliances to reduce your water consumption.
  8. Reuse greywater – water from sinks, showers, and other sources can be safely reused for toilet flushing or irrigation.
  9. Use pressure-reducing valves – installing these valves can help regulate water pressure and reduce waste.
  10. Educate your employees – provide tips and reminders to help your employees conserve water in the workplace.
  11. Install water-saving devices – adding aerators, flow restrictors, or automatic shut-off valves can help reduce water waste.
  12. Optimise your irrigation – use weather-based controllers, moisture sensors, and drip irrigation to avoid overwatering your landscaping.
  13. Mulch your plants – applying a layer of mulch can help retain moisture and reduce the need for frequent watering.
  14. Choose native plants – species that are native to your area are typically better adapted to local climate conditions and require less water.
  15. Conduct regular water audits – monitoring your water consumption can help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.

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Sustainable Procurement Practices for Your Business

  1. Buy in bulk – purchasing supplies in larger quantities can reduce packaging waste and often comes with a cost saving.
  2. Choose minimal packaging – opt for products with little or no packaging whenever possible to reduce waste.
  3. Prioritise recycled content – look for products made from recycled materials to support the circular economy.
  4. Support local suppliers – sourcing from local businesses can reduce transportation emissions and support your community.
  5. Consider lifecycle costs – when making purchasing decisions, factor in the total cost of ownership, including energy consumption and disposal costs.
  6. Invest in quality – choosing durable, long-lasting products can reduce waste and save money in the long run.
  7. Rent or lease equipment – for items you use infrequently, consider renting or leasing instead of purchasing to reduce waste.
  8. Reuse and repurpose – look for creative ways to repurpose old equipment or materials before disposing of them.
  9. Buy second hand – purchasing used furniture, equipment, or supplies can save money and reduce waste.
  10. Choose eco-friendly cleaning products – look for non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning supplies to reduce your environmental impact.
  11. Buy seasonal produce – sourcing seasonal, local produce for your office kitchen can reduce transportation emissions and support local farmers.
  12. Go digital – whenever possible, choose digital versions of products or services to reduce waste and clutter.
  13. Implement a sharing economy – create a system for employees to share or borrow infrequently used items to reduce unnecessary purchases.
  14. Support fair trade – choose products that support fair labour practices and sustainable production methods.
  15. Collaborate with green vendors – seek out suppliers and partners who share your commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Sustainable Procurement Practices for Your Business

Innovative Financing Solutions for Energy Efficiency

  1. Explore government incentives – many local and national governments offer tax breaks, grants, or other incentives for businesses that invest in energy efficiency.
  2. Consider green loans – some financial institutions offer specialised loans with favourable terms for environmentally friendly projects.
  3. Investigate energy performance contracts – these arrangements allow you to pay for energy efficiency upgrades using the savings they generate over time.
  4. Lease energy-efficient equipment – leasing can help you access the latest energy-saving technologies without a large upfront investment.
  5. Crowdfund your projects – platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo can help you raise funds from supporters who believe in your eco-friendly initiatives.

Bonus Tip: Compare and Switch with Free Price Compare

One of the easiest ways to save money on your business energy bills is to make sure you're getting the best possible deal from your supplier. Comparing prices and switching to a cheaper tariff can result in significant savings over time.

Free Price Compare is a powerful online comparison tool that helps UK businesses find the most competitive energy deals on the market. Here's how it works:

  • Simply enter your business details and current energy consumption
  • Free Price Compare will search its database of trusted UK suppliers
  • You'll receive a list of personalised quotes tailored to your business needs
  • Expert advisors are on hand to guide you through the switching process
  • You could save up to 45% on your business energy bills by switching to a better deal
  • Switch and apply for business mart meter so you can monitor usage and spend.

Ready to start saving? Visit Free Price Compare today and take control of your business energy costs.

Tired of Overpaying for Business Energy? Here's How to Switch Suppliers and Get a Smart Meter

As a savvy business owner, you're always looking for ways to cut costs and improve your bottom line. One area where you might be overspending without even realising it? Your energy bills. The good news is that switching business energy suppliers in the UK is a piece of cake, and it could save you some serious cash.

First things first, you'll want to shop around and compare offers from different suppliers. Don't just focus on the big names you know – there are plenty of smaller suppliers out there that could offer you a better deal. Pay close attention to the business unit price for electricity and gas, as this is what will really impact your total costs. If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, don't worry – you can use online business comparison tools such as Free Price Compare to help you find the best fit for your business.

Once you've found your perfect match, the actual switching process is very easy. Your new supplier will take care of most of the boring paperwork and chat with your old supplier to make the switch. The whole thing usually takes about 21 days, and here's the best part – you won't even notice a blip in your energy supply during the transition. It's like magic, but for your business energy!

Now, let's talk smart meters. These nifty little devices automatically send accurate readings of your electric usage straight to your supplier, so you can say goodbye to manual readings and estimated bills. Plus, with a smart meter, you can keep tabs on your energy consumption in real-time, which means you can pinpoint areas where you might be able to cut back and save even more money.

When you're making the switch, don't forget to ask your new supplier about smart meters. Some suppliers offer free installation, while others might charge a small fee – but trust us, it's worth it. Plus, Ofgem (the UK's energy regulator) wants all homes and small businesses to have smart meters by end of 2024, so you'll be ahead of the game.

So, there you have it – switching business energy suppliers and getting a smart meter is a no-brainer for any UK business owner looking to save some dough. By taking a little time to compare offers, make the switch, and embrace smart meter technology, you'll be well on your way to lower commercial energy bills and a more energy-efficient business. And remember, it pays to review your commercial energy contracts regularly to ensure you're always getting the best bang for your buck. Happy switching!

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Frequently Asked Questions about Business Energy Saving

How much can my business realistically save by implementing these tips?

The amount you can save will depend on factors like the size of your business, your current energy consumption, and which specific measures you choose to implement. However, many businesses find they can reduce their energy costs by 10-30% through a combination of energy-saving strategies.

Are there any government support and schemes to help businesses with energy efficiency?

Yes! The UK government offers a variety of incentives and programmes to support businesses in improving their energy efficiency. Some examples include the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme, the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme, and the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). Check with your local authority or the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy for more information on current offerings.

How often should my business conduct an energy audit?

As a general rule, it's a good idea to conduct a comprehensive energy audit every 2-3 years. However, it's important to continuously monitor your energy consumption and make adjustments as needed to ensure you're always operating as efficiently as possible.

Will switching to a green energy tariff disrupt my business operations?

Not at all! In most cases, switching to a green energy tariff is a seamless process that won't cause any interruption to your business. Many green energy suppliers offer competitive pricing and excellent customer service, making the transition as easy as possible.

What's the best way to get my employees on board with energy saving?

Engaging your employees is key to the success of any energy-saving initiative. Start by educating them about the importance of energy efficiency and the role they can play in achieving your goals. Encourage their ideas and feedback, and consider offering incentives for successful energy-saving suggestions. Most importantly, lead by example and make energy conservation a core part of your company culture.

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