Compare Car Insurance for Learner Drivers

July 29th, 2024
Compare Car Insurance for Learner Drivers

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Learner Driver Car Insurance: Get the Best Deal for Your Provisional Licence

Are you a learner driver who wants to save money on car insurance? Would like you a great deal that means saving money even if you have not yet passed your test?

At Free Price Compare, we make it easy for you to save money on your car insurance each year by rounding up the most competitive deals and making it simple to change to a car insurance provider that offers better value for their money for learner drivers. There are policies specifically designed for owners and drivers with a provisional license.

When you search for car insurance for learner drivers with us, you are taking the first step to paying less for car insurance. With our handy comparison tool, you can see what a huge range of insurers are offering with a few clicks of the mouse.

We gather a range of the most reliable car insurance providers and enable you to compare prices within moments to see what great offers are out there. Looking through all the deals available is hard work on your own, but we take the effort out of it so you can focus on choosing the car insurance quotes for learner drivers that are best suited to your needs at premiums that represent real value for money.

You’ll need some information to start your search for better value car insurance for learner drivers. To compare policies, you must have:

  • Your Postcode
  • Your driver history
  • Model and make of your car
  • Where it’s kept (e.g. garage, off-street)

Once you enter this information, you can start looking at quotes. When you’ve found a quote that’s exactly what you need, just follow the instructions. It’s important to provide accurate information and to make sure the policy covers your individual needs before you sign up for it.

Our service is independent and unbiased, meaning we can offer you the best deals out there, saving you time and money. It’s easy, it’s quick, and you’ll find the most competitive rates, so why not get some quotes on car insurance for learner drivers now?

As a learner driver with a provisional licence, sorting out your car insurance is a vital step before you can start private driving practice. Whether you’re driving your own car or a friend’s vehicle, having the right learner driver insurance policy in place is a legal requirement and gives you the peace of mind to focus on honing your driving skills.

But with so many options out there, it can be tricky to know where to start. That’s where we come in. At Free Price Compare, we’re here to help you find the best learner driver insurance policy for your needs and budget.

If you’re a learner driver, you might be wondering why you need to get your own car insurance policy. After all, if you’re practicing in a friend or family member’s car, won’t their insurance cover you?

The short answer is no. If you’re driving someone else’s car, their insurance policy will only cover you if you’re named on it as a driver. And even if you are named on their policy, any accidents or claims you make could affect their no claims discount and cause their premiums to go up.

That’s why it’s so important for learner drivers to get their own insurance policy. Having your own policy means you’re fully covered for any accidents or damage that might happen while you’re behind the wheel. It also means you won’t be putting anyone else’s no claims discount at risk.

What Are the Legal Consequences of Driving Without Insurance as a Learner

Different Types of Learner Driver Insurance Options

There are a few different types of Learner Driver Insurance to choose from, depending on your needs and circumstances.

  1. Short-term learner driver insurance: Ideal for practising in your own car or a friend’s vehicle for a short period, ranging from one day to a few months.
  2. Annual learner driver insurance: A cost-effective option if you plan to practice regularly over a longer period before taking your driving test.
  3. Named driver learner insurance: Suitable if you’re practising in a car owned by a family member or friend, where you’re added to their existing policy as a named driver.

Remember, if you’re taking lessons with an approved driving instructor (ADI), their car insurance will cover you during official lessons. However, you’ll still need your own policy for any private practice outside of these lessons.

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What Affects the Cost of Learner Driver Insurance?

Just like regular car insurance, the cost of learner driver insurance can vary depending on a range of factors. Here are some of the main things that insurers will take into account when calculating your premiums:

  1. Your age and driving experience: Younger, less experienced learners typically face higher premiums.
  2. The car you’re practising in: Smaller, less powerful cars in lower insurance groups are generally cheaper to insure.
  3. Your location: Insurance prices can vary depending on your postcode, as insurers consider local accident and crime rates.
  4. Annual mileage: The more you drive, the higher your risk of accidents, which can lead to higher premiums.
  5. Chosen excess: Opting for a higher voluntary excess can lower your premiums, but ensure you can afford it if you need to claim.
  6. Policy duration: Longer policies may have lower monthly premiums compared to short-term policies.

Learner Driver Accident Statistics

Incident Type Percentage
Learner drivers involved in accidents 21%
Accidents caused by learner drivers 16%
Learner driver accidents involving injury 15%
Learner driver accidents resulting in fatalities 0.5%

Source: DVSA, 2020

While the vast majority of learner drivers practice and take their tests without incident, these figures underscore the importance of having comprehensive learner driver insurance to protect yourself and others financially in the event of an accident during your driving practice.

Learner Driver Accident Statistics

Tips for Cutting Learner Driver Insurance Costs

We know that learning to drive can be expensive, with the cost of lessons, tests, and insurance all adding up. That’s why we’ve put together some top tips to help you save money on your learner driver insurance:

  1. Compare quotes from multiple providers: Using a comparison site like Free Price Compare ensures you get the best deal on your learner driver policy.
  2. Choose a car in a low insurance group: Practising in a smaller, less powerful car can significantly reduce your premiums.
  3. Limit your annual mileage: Keeping your estimated mileage low shows insurers you’re less likely to be involved in an accident, potentially lowering your premiums.
  4. Opt for a black box policy: Telematics insurance rewards safe driving habits with lower premiums, making it a great option for responsible learners.
  5. Consider adding an experienced named driver: Including a parent or older friend on your policy can help reduce your premiums, as insurers perceive this as a lower risk.
  6. Pay upfront if you can: While it might be tempting to spread the cost of your insurance over monthly payments, paying in full upfront can often work out cheaper in the long run.
  7. Increase your excess: Agreeing to pay a higher voluntary excess can lower your premiums, but make sure you can afford the total excess if you need to make a claim.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Learner Driver Insurance Policy

When you’re comparing learner driver insurance policies, it’s important to look beyond just the price. Here are some key things to check before you buy:

  1. Level of cover: Third-party only policies are the minimum legal requirement but offer no protection for your own vehicle. comprehensive cover provides the most extensive protection but comes at a higher cost.
  2. Policy duration: Ensure your policy covers you for the entire period you need, whether that’s a few days, a month, or a full year.
  3. Excess: Choose a voluntary excess you can comfortably afford, as you’ll need to pay this amount if you make a claim.
  4. Additional benefits: Some policies include extras like breakdown cover or legal expenses cover, so check what’s included and whether these features are worth the additional cost.
  5. Cancellation fees: If you pass your test before your policy ends, you might need to cancel your insurance. Check if there are any fees for doing this and factor them into your budget.
  6. No claims bonus: Some insurers may offer a no claims bonus for learner drivers who complete a year of driving without making a claim. This can be a great way to save money on your insurance once you’ve passed your test.

Learner Driver Accident Statistics

  • According to the DVSA, learner drivers are involved in around 3-4% of all road accidents in the UK.
  • In 2019, there were 1,822 reported accidents involving a learner driver in a car.
  • Learner drivers aged 17-24 are most at risk, accounting for around 62% of learner driver accidents.

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Cost Comparison: Learner Insurance vs. Adding a Named Driver

  • Adding a learner driver to an existing policy as a named driver can increase the premium by an average of 35-50%.
  • Standalone learner insurance policies can be a more affordable short-term option, with policies starting from as little as £1-2 per day.
  • However, the cost of learner insurance can vary significantly depending on factors like the learner’s age, location, and the car being insured.

cost comparison learner insurance vs adding a named driver

How Many Hours of Practice Do Learner Drivers Need?

  • The DVSA recommends that learner drivers have around 45 hours of professional lessons and 22 hours of private practice before taking their test.
  • Learners who have more practice tend to perform better on their test and be safer drivers after passing.
  • Regular practice with a qualified supervisor is key to building confidence and skills.

Choosing the Right Car for a Learner Driver

  • Smaller, less powerful cars are often easier for learners to handle and can be cheaper to insure.
  • Cars with good visibility, light steering, and easy-to-use controls are well-suited to learners.

Some popular cars for learners include the Ford Fiesta, Vauxhall Corsa, and Volkswagen Polo.

Tips for Supervising a Learner Driver

  • Ensure you’re familiar with the Highway Code and up-to-date with current driving practices.
  • Start with short, simple journeys and gradually build up to more complex situations.
  • Give clear, calm instructions and plenty of encouragement.
  • Allow the learner to make mistakes and learn from them, but be ready to intervene if necessary.
  • Make sure you’re both properly insured and that the car is roadworthy.

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Additional Helpful Tips for Learner Drivers

  • Practice the theory test and hazard perception tests to prepare for the practical test.
  • Familiarise yourself with the test centre and the routes around it.
  • Consider taking a mock test with your instructor to get a feel for the real thing.
  • Make sure you have all the necessary documents, including your provisional licence and theory test pass certificate.
  • Remember that passing your test is just the start – continue to practice and develop your skills as a new driver.

Additional Helpful Tips for Learner Drivers

Your Learner Driver Insurance Questions Answered

Can I earn a no claims discount as a learner driver?

While it’s rare, some insurers may allow learner drivers to accumulate a no claims bonus for each claim-free year of driving. Check your policy details to see if this benefit is included.

What happens if I’m involved in an accident during my driving test?

If you’re taking your driving test in your own car, your learner driver insurance policy will cover you for the duration of the test. Should an incident occur, you’ll need to follow the standard procedure for reporting an accident to your insurer.

Will taking the Pass Plus course help me get cheaper insurance?

Some insurers offer discounts for completing additional driver training like the Pass Plus course. While it’s not guaranteed, it’s worth considering as it can help lower your premiums once you’ve passed your test.

Do I need to inform my insurer once I’ve passed my driving test?

Yes, you must notify your insurer as soon as you pass your driving test, as your learner driver policy will no longer be valid. You’ll need to update your policy or take out a new one to ensure you’re properly covered.

Can I get learner driver insurance to practice in a manual or automatic car?

Yes, most insurers offer learner driver policies for both manual and automatic cars. Be sure to specify the correct transmission type when getting quotes to ensure you’re properly covered.

What is the duration of learner driver insurance?

The length of your learner driver insurance policy will depend on the type of cover you choose. Short-term policies can last from one day up to three months, while annual policies will cover you for a full year. It’s important to choose a policy duration that matches your needs and budget.

What type of learner driver insurance do I need?

The type of learner driver insurance you need will depend on your individual circumstances. If you’re practising in your own car, you’ll need a policy that covers you as the main driver. If you’re borrowing a car from a friend or family member, you could either be added to their policy as a named driver or take out your own short-term policy.

Do I need learner driver insurance if I’m taking lessons with a driving instructor?

If you’re taking lessons with a qualified driving instructor in their car, you’ll be covered by their insurance policy. However, if you want to practice outside of your lessons in your own car or a friend’s car, you’ll need to take out your own learner driver insurance.

What Are the Insurance Requirements for Taking a Driving Test?

In most cases, you cannot use learner driver insurance to take your practical driving test. Learner driver insurance policies typically cover you for practicing in a car, but not for the actual test. For the test, you will need to be insured on the car you’re using, either through your own policy or by being added to someone else’s policy, such as a friend’s car or a family member’s vehicle.

Can I Take My Driving Test in My Own Car?

Yes, you can take your driving test in your own car, provided it meets the DVSA’s requirements. The car must be roadworthy, have a valid MOT (if over 3 years old), be insured for the test, and have L-plates displayed. You will also need to provide proof of insurance and ownership of the vehicle. As a provisional licence holder, you can take the test in your own manual car or one borrowed from a friend or family member.

Can I Buy a Learner Driver Insurance on My Personal Car?

Yes, you can get learner insurance on your own car. Many insurance providers offer specific provisional driver insurance policies that allow you to insure your own car for the purpose of learning to drive. These policies are often shorter-term and more flexible than standard car insurance policies, making them a great option for learners who want to get extra practice outside of lessons.

Is it possible to get insurance for a car with a provisional license?

Yes, you can get insurance with a learner’s permit. You need valid insurance if driving your car. You can have your policy or join an existing one. Some insurers may limit ages or need supervision by a full license holder. Being a higher risk driver may mean costlier premiums.

Is Insurance Required for Supervising a Learner Driver?

If you’re supervising a learner driver in your own car, the learner driver must be insured to drive the vehicle. This can be done by adding them to your existing policy or by getting them a separate policy, such as a flexible learner driver insurance policy. If they’re learning in their own car, they will need to have their own provisional licence insurance. It’s important to note that supervising a learner driver will not affect your own no claims discount.

Can a Learner Driver Get Insured on a Motability Vehicle?

Learner drivers can be insured on a Motability car, but it depends on the specific terms of the Motability lease agreement. In some cases, learner drivers may be added to the insurance policy of the main driver. It’s best to check with Motability and the insurance provider for specific guidance.

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