150 No-Nonsense Tips to Get the Best Life Insurance Deal

May 2nd, 2024
150 No-Nonsense Tips to Get the Best Life Insurance Deal

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Want to protect your loved ones without paying through the nose? Confused by all the life insurance jargon out there? We’ve got your back.

Avoid wasting time on multiple websites or getting confused by industry myths. We’ve rounded up 150 practical tips to help you navigate the life insurance maze and come out on top. From finding the right policy to acing your application, we’ve got you covered.

Life Insurance Basics: What You Need to Know

  1. Understand the difference between term and whole-of-life insurance
  2. Figure out how much coverage you actually need
  3. Consider your current life stage and future plans
  4. Factor in your debts and financial commitments
  5. Don’t forget about inflation when choosing a cover amount
  6. Get to grips with how life insurance pay outs work
  7. Learn key terms like beneficiaries, premiums and sum assured
  8. Know the pros and cons of single vs. joint life policies
  9. Understand how insurers set premiums based on risk factors
  10. Familiarise yourself with common policy add-ons and extras

Shop Around for the Best Deal

  1. Use comparison sites to quickly see quotes from multiple insurers
  2. Look for introductory offers and discounts for new customers
  3. Check if your bank or building society offers preferential rates
  4. Consider using a fee-free broker to help you find the best deal
  5. Look beyond the big-name providers – smaller insurers can be competitive too
  6. Focus on the overall value, not just the cheapest premium
  7. Watch out for hidden costs like admin or cancellation fees
  8. See if you can haggle a better rate, especially if you’re in good health
  9. Check for loyalty discounts if you have other policies with the same insurer
  10. Take advantage of ‘refer a friend’ deals for cash or voucher rewards

Tailor Your Policy to Your Needs

  1. Align your policy term with key milestones like your mortgage or retirement
  2. Choose a pay out amount that would adequately cover your family’s needs
  3. Consider an index-linked policy to protect against inflation
  4. Think about any specific financial commitments you want to cover
  5. Review your policy regularly to ensure it still fits your circumstances
  6. Add a waiver of premium benefit to cover payments if you can’t work
  7. Consider a joint policy for you and your partner to save on premiums
  8. Look at critical illness cover for added protection against serious diseases
  9. Pick a pay out option that suits your beneficiaries – lump sum or regular income
  10. Add a funeral benefit option to help cover final expenses

Tailor Your Policy to Your Needs

Get the Timing Right

  1. Buy life insurance as soon as you have dependents relying on your income
  2. Don’t delay getting covered until a health scare crops up
  3. Consider longer policy terms while you’re younger and premiums are cheaper
  4. Apply for cover before taking on new financial commitments
  5. Review your policy if you get married or have a baby
  6. Take out a policy before starting a high-risk job
  7. Allow time for the underwriting process if you have pre-existing conditions
  8. Avoid leaving life insurance until retirement when policies are pricier
  9. Start thinking about life cover when buying your first home
  10. Get covered before going on an adventurous holiday or gap year

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Acing Your Life Insurance Application

  1. Fill out the application form fully and accurately
  2. Be upfront about any past or current medical issues
  3. Answer lifestyle questions like smoking and drinking honestly
  4. Let your insurer know about any hazardous hobbies or pursuits
  5. Prepare for a medical exam by getting any health stats in order
  6. Request any medical reports you need from your GP in good time
  7. Consider using an insurance broker if you have complex health needs
  8. Be prepared to provide extra medical info if required
  9. Ask your insurer about their underwriting process before applying
  10. Apply for cover when you’re in good health for the best rates

Be Honest and Accurate on Your Application

  1. Don’t downplay or gloss over any requested info
  2. Come clean about any pre-existing conditions, even if minor
  3. Declare any ongoing medication or treatment
  4. Give accurate info about your family’s medical history
  5. Proofread your application for mistakes before submitting
  6. Disclose any past or upcoming hospital stays or surgeries
  7. Detail any alcohol, cigarette or drug use fully
  8. Mention if you’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight
  9. List any foreign travel to high-risk destinations
  10. Inform your insurer if you work in a hazardous occupation

Living Well for Lower Premiums

  1. Raise your fitness game to lower risk factors linked to premature death
  2. Focus on heart health to minimise your risk of cardiovascular disease
  3. Eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet to maintain a healthy weight
  4. Take steps to alleviate stress and boost your mental wellbeing
  5. Cut back on alcohol to reduce the risks of accidents and illness
  6. Get regular health MOTs to spot any emerging issues early
  7. Avoid dangerous pursuits in favour of low-risk hobbies
  8. Practice mindfulness or meditation to improve stress resilience
  9. Get your 5-a-day fruit and veg to support overall health
  10. Stay active with a mix of cardio and strength training exercise

Living Well for Lower Premiums

Harness Tech for Easier Life Insurance

  1. Get instant online quotes 24/7 without the hassle of phone calls
  2. Use digital calculators to rapidly work out your cover needs
  3. Submit your application online for faster processing
  4. Opt for electronic policy documents instead of paper copies
  5. Set up automatic premium payments so you never miss a bill
  6. Track your application progress through online portals
  7. Update your personal details with a quick email or text
  8. Use wearable tech to demonstrate healthy lifestyle habits
  9. Store vital policy info in secure cloud storage for easy access
  10. Sign documents electronically to speed up admin processes

Make Life Insurance Part of Your Financial Safety Net

  1. Consider life cover alongside other protection policies like income insurance
  2. Use life insurance to protect your most important asset – you!
  3. Include policy premiums in your monthly household budget
  4. Factor life insurance into your long-term financial planning
  5. View life cover as a key part of providing for your family
  6. Take out a policy that fits comfortably with your disposable income
  7. See life insurance as a way to safeguard your family’s lifestyle
  8. Use life cover to balance out your partner’s pension provision
  9. Protect your business by insuring key personnel
  10. Review your policy if your mortgage deal or circumstances change

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Protect Your Loved Ones with Smart Policy Set-Up

  1. Write your policy in trust to avoid inheritance tax on pay outs
  2. Appoint a trusted executor to handle the claim on your family’s behalf
  3. Consider naming a charity as a beneficiary for unclaimed assets
  4. Tell your next of kin where you keep your policy documents
  5. Assign a legal guardian for minor children in your policy
  6. Ensure beneficiaries’ contact details are always up to date
  7. Let your executors know you’ve named them in your policy
  8. State how you want the pay out to be used, e.g. for daily living costs
  9. Review beneficiaries after major life changes like divorce
  10. Keep a copy of your policy with your will for easy reference

Stay on Top of Your Life Insurance Admin

  1. Set calendar reminders for your annual policy renewal date
  2. File physical policy documents safely with other vital paperwork
  3. Keep digital copies of your policy saved securely to the cloud
  4. Make a note of your policy number for quick reference
  5. Inform your insurer promptly of any changes in circumstances
  6. Check your direct debits are set up correctly for accurate payments
  7. Ask your insurer to clarify any policy wording you don’t understand
  8. Regularly review whether your cover still matches your needs
  9. Keep a note of when your policy is due to expire if not whole-of-life
  10. File any medical exam or screening results with your policy

Stay on Top of Your Life Insurance Admin

Swerve These Common Life Insurance Slip-Ups

  1. Skimping on cover to keep premiums rock-bottom
  2. Automatically going for the cheapest policy without reading the small print
  3. Assuming your workplace life insurance pays out for death by any cause
  4. Putting off buying cover until you’re older and premiums are higher
  5. Basing your cover amount on a rough guess rather than actual calculations
  6. Picking a ‘one size fits all’ policy without tailoring it to your needs
  7. Missing payments and accidentally letting your policy lapse
  8. Losing out on pay out because of mistakes or omissions on your application
  9. Not declaring new high-risk hobbies you take up over time
  10. Getting sucked in by gimmicky policy add-ons you don’t really need

Practical Pointers for Picking the Perfect Policy

  1. Consider a joint life insurance policy if you’re married or in a long-term partnership to save on premiums.
  2. Look for policies with a terminal illness benefit, which allows early pay outs if you’re diagnosed with a life-threatening condition.
  3. Consider adding a critical illness cover rider to your life insurance policy for extra protection against serious illnesses.
  4. Use an online life insurance calculator to quickly estimate your cover needs based on your personal circumstances.
  5. Look for policies with a guaranteed insurability option, which lets you increase your cover without new underwriting.
  6. Consider a decreasing term policy if you’re primarily covering a repayment mortgage, as the pay out reduces in line with your outstanding balance.
  7. Make sure your policy includes a waiver of premium benefit, so you don’t have to pay premiums if you can’t work due to illness or injury.
  8. Consider a whole-of-life policy if you want to leave a legacy or pay inheritance tax, as the pay out is guaranteed.
  9. Look for policies with a generous grace period (e.g. 60 days) for missed payments, in case you hit financial difficulties.
  10. Consider a convertible term policy if you think you might want whole-of-life cover later on, as you can switch without new underwriting.

Life Insurance Myths

  1. Beneficiary – The person(s) or organisation(s) you name to receive your life insurance pay out.
  2. Death in service – A type of employee benefit paying out a lump sum, usually a multiple of your salary, if you die while employed by the company.
  3. Decreasing term insurance – A type of policy where the pay out reduces over the policy term, often used to cover a repayment mortgage.
  4. Guaranteed premiums – Where your monthly or annual premiums are fixed at the start of the policy and won’t change unless you alter your cover.
  5. Indexation – When your pay out and/or premiums are adjusted each year in line with inflation, as measured by the Retail Prices Index.
  6. Level term insurance – A policy that pays out a fixed amount if you die within the agreed term.
  7. Premium – The monthly or annual payment you make to your insurer to maintain your life insurance cover.
  8. Reviewable premiums – Where your insurer can revise your premiums up or down at set points during the policy term.
  9. Sum assured – The pay out amount your policy will provide if you die within the term, assuming you’ve kept up with premiums and met any other conditions.
  10. Underwriting – The process by which an insurer assesses your application and decides whether to offer you cover, and on what terms.

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Insider Tips for Savvy Life Insurance Shopping

  1. Use a specialist broker to find the best deal if you have complex health needs or a chequered medical history.
  2. Choose a policy that lets you make changes to your cover without starting a new application, in case your needs change.
  3. See if you can add extra cover for funeral costs to save your family the upfront bill.
  4. Take out a separate policy for your partner instead of a joint policy if you want two pay outs.
  5. Consider a whole-of-life policy as an investment vehicle, not just pure life insurance.
  6. Get a policy with terminal illness cover so you can access funds if you’re diagnosed with a life-limiting condition.
  7. Check if you can add your partner to your workplace scheme for extra employee benefits.
  8. Go for guaranteed over reviewable premiums for certainty over long-term costs.
  9. Only add extras like critical illness cover if the cost works out less than a separate policy.
  10. Buy through an FCA regulated broker or insurer for added consumer protection.

Insider Tips for Savvy Life Insurance Shopping

Key Facts: UK Life Insurance Market 2024

  • Over 25 million people in the UK have some form of life insurance
  • The average policy pay out is now over £80,000
  • 97% of individual term insurance claims were paid out in 2023
  • Claims worth £1.3bn were paid to bereaved families in 2023
  • Around half of consumers buy their policy through a comparison site
  • The self-employed, renters and single parents are the most underinsured groups
  • Under a third of people have life cover through their employer
  • Less than 40% of policies are written in trust
  • Most people buy their first life insurance policy in their 30s
  • Premiums rose by an average of 2.1% in 2023, driven by Covid claims

Sources: ABI, CII, FCA, ONS

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Finding the Best Life Insurance

Understand the Different Types

There are two main kinds of life insurance:

Term life insurance

  • Covers you for a set period like 10, 20 or 30 years
  • Pays out if you pass away during the term
  • Cheapest and most popular type

Whole-of-life insurance

  • Covers you for your entire life
  • Guaranteed pay out when you pass away
  • More expensive than term insurance

Consider which type best suits your needs and budget. Term insurance is ideal for most people, especially if you have dependents or a mortgage.

Work Out How Much Cover You Need

Don’t risk leaving your family short by underestimating the pay out you need. Consider:

  • Outstanding mortgage balance
  • Other debts and bills
  • Everyday living expenses for your family
  • Childcare costs
  • Future education fees for kids

As a rule of thumb, aim for 10x your annual salary. Our life insurance calculator can help crunch the numbers.

Consider Writing Your Policy in Trust

Putting your life insurance in trust means:

  • The pay out goes directly to your beneficiaries and skips time delays
  • The money won’t count towards your estate for inheritance tax purposes
  • You can specify how you want the pay out to be distributed

It’s easy and free to do. Most insurers offer this option when you apply.

Be Honest About Your Health and Lifestyle

Insurance prices are based on risk. So it’s crucial to disclose any health conditions or lifestyle factors like smoking when you apply. If you don’t, your insurer could refuse to pay out.

Key info to share:

  • Medical conditions, even if minor
  • Family medical history
  • Smoking and drinking habits
  • Risky hobbies like skydiving
  • Dangerous occupations

The insurer may ask for more details or a medical exam. It’s worth it for a valid policy that protects your family.

Compare Quotes to Get the Best Deal

Never auto-renew or go with the first insurer you find. Comparing quotes can save you £100s for the same level of cover.

How to compare life insurance:

  1. Use a trusted comparison site like Free Price Compare
  2. Fill in one short form with your details
  3. Get instant quotes from 100+ providers
  4. Adjust your cover amount and policy length for the best deal
  5. Click through to your chosen insurer to apply

It’s quick, easy and free. New customers with Free Price Compare save an average of £280 on life cover!

Compare Quotes to Get the Best Deal

Quotes based on £200,000 of level term cover over 25 years. Correct as of April 2024.

Read Policy Details Carefully Before Signing Up

Found a great deal? Congrats! But before rushing to hit ‘apply’, take time to read the policy documents thoroughly so you know exactly what you’re signing up for. Look out for:

  • What’s covered and excluded
  • How much the premiums are and if they can change
  • How to make a claim
  • Any additional benefits like access to legal or health services

Don’t hesitate to contact the insurer if anything is unclear. A legit company will happily answer your queries.

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Tactics to Trim Your Life Insurance Costs

Quit Smoking to Slash Premiums

Smokers pay around 2x more for life insurance than non-smokers due to the health risks. Stub out cigarettes and you could halve your premiums!

Tips to quit for good:

  • Try nicotine gum, patches or lozenges to manage cravings
  • Download a quitting app for daily support
  • Avoid smoking triggers like alcohol and other smokers
  • Exercise to relieve stress and take your mind off smoking
  • Treat yourself with the money saved on cigarettes

Most insurers class you as a non-smoker after 12 months smoke-free. Take a test to prove your status and enjoy cheaper cover.

Lose Weight to Reduce Risk and Rates

Being overweight increases the likelihood of serious illnesses linked to early death, like heart disease and diabetes. So insurers charge higher premiums to reflect the risk.

Shedding excess pounds is a win-win – better health and lower life insurance costs. Aim to get your BMI in the healthy range of 18.5-24.9.

Healthy weight loss tips:

  • Fill up on fruit, veg, lean protein and whole grains
  • Limit sugary, fatty and processed foods
  • Drink plenty of water and limit alcohol
  • Aim for 150 mins of moderate exercise per week
  • Get support from your doctor, a dietitian or weight loss group

Pay Annually Instead of Monthly

Paying life insurance premiums annually works out cheaper than paying monthly. Why? Insurers charge interest of up to 24% APR on monthly instalments.

Paying a lump sum each year could trim your total bill by over 10% compared to monthly. If you can afford it, go annual to keep more in your pocket.

Annual vs monthly costs on £200K of cover:

Pay Annually Instead of Monthly

Based on a 30-year-old non-smoker. Correct as of April 2024.

Maximise Your Free Cover from Work

Many employers offer some life insurance as a workplace benefit. Often called ‘death in service’, this typically pays a tax-free lump sum of 2-4x your salary if you pass away while employed.

While a helpful perk, don’t solely rely on this cover. It’s lost if you leave the job, and the pay out is unlikely to fully meet your family’s needs. Use it to supplement a personal policy.

Tips to make the most of employer-provided life insurance:

  • Check how much cover is provided for free
  • See if you can top up the cover for a fee
  • Find out if you can extend cover after leaving the job
  • Consider any eligibility rules like minimum service period

Improve Your Credit Score for Better Rates

Having a decent credit score shows insurers you’re responsible with money. It can help you get accepted for life cover at more competitive rates.

How to boost your credit rating:

  • Pay bills on time and clear debts promptly
  • Avoid applying for lots of credit in a short period
  • Regularly check your credit file for errors
  • Get on the electoral roll at your current address
  • Have some credit in use like a credit card or mobile phone contract

Check your credit score for free with companies like Experian or ClearScore. Improving it can help you save on life insurance and other financial products.

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Secure Cover Sooner Rather Than Later

The younger and healthier you are, the cheaper life insurance tends to be, as there’s a lower chance of claiming. So it pays to get cover sorted sooner rather than delaying.

Life insurance rates by age:

Secure Cover Sooner Rather Than Later

Based on £200,000 of level term cover over 25 years for a non-smoker. Correct as of April 2024.

Of course, life insurance is useful at any age. But sorting it early locks in low premiums for the duration of your policy. The savings can really stack up over time.

Consider Index-Linked Policies to Keep Pace with Inflation

An index-linked life insurance policy increases your pay out each year in line with inflation. This means your loved ones’ pay out maintains its buying power over time.

It’s a bit pricier than a standard policy, as premiums usually also rise with inflation. But it’s worth considering, especially if you opt for a longer policy term.

Kick the Habit and Save on Insurance

From smoking to skydiving, unhealthy or risky lifestyle choices can dramatically bump up the price of life cover. Making positive changes can trim your premiums and boost your health.

Common habits that hike life insurance costs:

  • Smoking or vaping
  • Heavy drinking
  • Recreational drug use
  • Dangerous hobbies like rock climbing
  • Speeding and other motoring convictions

If you’ve quit smoking or given up a risky hobby, let your insurer know. You could score a much better deal.

Snap Up a Joint Policy to Insure You and Your Partner

A joint life insurance policy covers two lives, usually on a ‘first death’ basis. This means it pays out when the first person passes away.

It can be a cost-effective way for couples to secure life cover, as the premiums are typically cheaper than for two single policies. However, you only get one pay out, so consider if two separate policies might suit you better.

Steer Clear of Over-50s Plans for Major Cover

Over-50s life insurance plans are heavily advertised, but they’re not the best choice for many people. Why? They’re pricey and the pay out is pretty small, so they won’t fully protect your family.

What’s more, you could end up paying more in premiums than the policy will ever pay out. Not ideal!

Instead, shop around for an affordable standard policy or consider other options like funeral plans for later life cover.

Get Covered for the Right Length of Time

The longer your policy term, the pricier your premiums. But a too-short term could leave your family high and dry. So how do you strike the right balance?

Consider how long your loved ones would need financial support if you passed away. Key milestones to think about:

  • Paying off the mortgage
  • Your kids reaching financial independence
  • Your planned retirement age
  • Any other debts or financial commitments

As a rough guide, many breadwinners opt for a 20-30 year term to see them through to retirement. But crunch the numbers for your own situation.

Get Covered for the Right Length of Time

Key Takeaways for Cutting the Cost of Life Cover

  • Compare quotes from multiple insurers to get the best price for your needs
  • Quit smoking to potentially halve your life insurance premiums
  • Consider paying annually to avoid monthly interest charges and reduce the overall cost
  • Maximise free cover from your employer but avoid solely relying on it
  • Boost your credit score for access to better life insurance deals
  • Take out cover sooner rather than later to lock in cheap rates while you’re young and healthy

Life insurance gives vital financial protection to your loved ones. With these 150 savvy tips, you can find a great-value policy that safeguards your family without straining your budget.

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Ready to secure your perfect life insurance deal? Free Price Compare makes it quick and simple.

Just tell us a bit about yourself and the cover you need, and we’ll instantly compare personalised quotes from over 100 leading UK providers. Pick the best policy for your needs and budget, then click through to apply directly with the insurer. It’s fast, free and could save you over £280!

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much life insurance do I need?

A good rule of thumb is 10-15x your annual salary, but it depends on your debts, dependents and living costs. Our online calculator can help you work out a personalised figure.

2. What’s the average life insurance cost in the UK?

In 2024, the average monthly premium for a 20-year level term policy (£200,000 cover) is around £30. However, premiums vary greatly depending on age, health, lifestyle, occupation and cover amount.

3. Can I get life insurance if I’m self-employed?

Yes, self-employed workers can get life insurance just like any employee. Premiums may be a tad higher as insurers see the self-employed as slightly higher risk, but shopping around can net you a good deal.

4. Is life insurance taxable in the UK?

Pay outs are usually tax-free and won’t count towards your estate for Inheritance Tax purposes if the policy is written in trust. If not, tax may be due if your estate exceeds the Inheritance Tax threshold (£325,000 in 2024/25).

5. Do I need a medical to get life insurance?

It depends on the policy. ‘Non-medical’ policies are becoming more popular, using a detailed health questionnaire instead of a physical exam. However, a medical may be needed if you have pre-existing conditions or want a high cover level.

6. Does life insurance pay out for suicidal?

Most policies won’t pay out if you take your own life within the first 12-24 months of the policy. However, if your policy is well established, your beneficiaries may still receive a pay out. Check your policy documents for any exclusions.

7. How long does a life insurance claim take?

If your claim is straightforward and your insurer has all the info they need, it’s usually processed within 1-2 months. Pay outs are quicker (often within a few weeks) if the policy is written in trust.

8. What’s the difference between life insurance and life assurance?

‘Life insurance’ usually refers to policies that run for a set term, while ‘life assurance’ typically means whole-of-life cover. In practice, the terms are often used interchangeably.

9. What happens if I stop paying my life insurance premiums?

If you miss payments, you usually have a grace period of 30-60 days to catch up before your policy lapses. Once lapsed, you’ll no longer be covered. It’s important to inform your insurer if you’re struggling with payments.

10. Is it worth getting critical illness cover with life insurance?

It depends on your budget and needs. Critical illness cover provides valuable extra protection, paying out if you’re diagnosed with a serious condition. However, combined policies can be pricey, so it’s worth comparing costs with standalone cover.

11. What are the different types of life insurance?

The main types of life insurance are level Term life insurance (which provides a fixed cash sum for the duration of the policy), decreasing term insurance (where the pay out reduces over the policy term, often used to cover a repayment mortgage), and whole-of-life insurance (which covers you for the rest of your life). Other variations include family income benefit, which pays a regular income instead of a lump sum, and over-50s plans, designed for later life cover.

12. How do I calculate how much life insurance cover I need?

To determine the right amount of cover, consider your outstanding mortgage balance, other debts, family living costs, and any future expenses like your children’s education. Also, factor in inflation to ensure your pay out keeps its buying power. A common rule of thumb is 10x your annual salary, but it’s best to crunch the numbers for your specific needs. Our online calculator can help you work out a suitable figure to give you and your loved ones peace of mind.

13. Can I add critical illness cover to my life insurance policy?

Yes, many insurers offer the option to add critical illness cover to your life insurance for an extra cost. This means the policy would pay out a cash sum if you’re diagnosed with a serious condition like cancer, heart attack or stroke during the term of your policy. It can provide valuable financial security if you’re unable to work, helping to cover living costs, medical bills or adaptations to your home. Compare quotes to find the most comprehensive cover at the best price.

14. What additional benefits and wellbeing services do life insurance plans offer?

Alongside the core financial protection, many of the UK’s best life insurance companies offer a range of additional benefits and wellbeing services with their plans. These can include 24/7 virtual GP appointments, mental health support, second medical opinion services, health MOTs, and bereavement counselling for your loved ones. Some even provide access to fitness apps and discounts on wellbeing products. When comparing policies, look out for insurers that offer valuable extras at no added cost.

15. How do joint life insurance policies work?

Joint life insurance policies cover two lives, usually on a ‘first death’ basis – meaning the policy pays out when the first person dies, and then ends. They can be a cost-effective way for couples to get cover, as the monthly payments are typically cheaper than for two single life insurance policies. However, you need to be comfortable with only getting one payout. Joint policies can be written on a level term or decreasing term basis, and some offer the option to include critical illness cover too.

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