Renewable Energy Options News

Your household could receive quarterly payments for seven years if you have renewable energy technology sources installed. What is the RHI? RHI explained The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a government scheme encouraging households to use renewable energy technologies to heat their homes. Households are paid quarterly dividends for the volume of renewable energy their […]

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Amid a global energy and environmental crisis there’s a greater need than ever to find efficient and environmentally friendly ways to heat your home. An air source heat pump might well be the answer, and with a bit of luck it could lower your energy bills too! Frequently asked questions about air source heat pump […]

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We’ve seen them dotted across the countryside: tall, thin, white structures bearing a striking resemblance to the Mercedes Benz insignia. Children may giggle at the idea of ‘wind farms’, but grownups opening their quarterly energy bill knows the ever-increasing costs are no laughing matter. The idea of a home wind turbine producing enough electricity to […]

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Renewable Heat Incentive

The world is going green. It wants to breathe the purest form of air but our necessity of energy has proved to be the biggest impediment in this. As it must be known to many, electricity or power generation is one of the biggest causes of global warming. To minimise this people, countries and governments […]

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The element most in abundance in the Universe and on earth is Hydrogen. In the presence of oxygen and heat it can be used to produce electricity with the only waste product being water. With global warming being a cause for major concern for political leaders and climatologists, it would seem hydrogen would be the […]

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  UK Feed in Tariff Scheme (FITs) pays households, businesses and institutions to produce electricity from a green energy source. So businesses, charities, landlords, homeowners and even schools can receive monetary compensation for producing green energy. What method of generating energy are included in the Feed in Tariff scheme? The most common form of generating […]

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