Car Insurance Guides

Get updated information about car insurance premiums, renewals and how car insurance premiums vary for younger drivers. You can also find guides on how to get cheaper car insurance, different types of car insurance and what you should do when you get your renewal reminder.


Car Insurance Guides August 4th, 2023

Car Insurance Legal Cover: What is it and Do You Need it?

Content in this article What is Car Insurance Legal Cover? What Does Car Insurance Legal Cover Include? Is Car Insurance Legal Cover Worth it? Financial Protection Existing Coverage Risk...

Car Insurance Guides August 3rd, 2023

Multi-Car Insurance: Comprehensive Coverage Tips

Content in this article What is Multi-Car Insurance? How Does Multi-Car Insurance Work? Benefits of Multi-Car Insurance Is Multi-Car Insurance Cheaper? Finding the Right Multi-Car Insurance Policy How to...

Car Insurance Guides June 8th, 2023

Cancelled Car Insurance: Prevention and Actions

Content in this article What situations will result in car insurance being cancelled? Does comprehensive insurance allow you to drive someone elses car? How can I take out temporary...

Car Insurance Guides June 5th, 2023

The most common car insurance myths debunked

Content in this article So, does comprehensive insurance allow you to drive someone elses car? Do you have to report an accident that was not your fault to your...

Car Insurance Guides May 29th, 2023

Adding Drivers to Car Insurance: What to Know

Content in this article I have fully comprehensive insurance on my own car – can I drive someone else’s car? What other options exist for allowing me to drive...

Car Insurance Guides May 26th, 2023

Car Insurance Types: Choosing What’s Right for You

Content in this article Why do we need car insurance? What are the minimum legal requirements for car insurance in the UK? What are the three main types of...

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